Despite the current economic situation, many people are still hiring lawyers. There are still many strategies that lawyers can use to maintain their competitive edge.


Before you start talking about business development, it’s vital that you first establish a strong relationship with your existing clients. This can be done by conducting a gap analysis to see if there are opportunities for you to expand your scope of work.


Being top of mind is one of the most critical factors you should consider when building a solid network. This will allow you to be on the list for new referrals and files. Having consistent and informative content will help you attract more potential clients.

Be Proactive

The pandemic has prompted many companies to reassess their legal requirements and their relationships with lawyers. This is an ideal time to ask for an opportunity to pitch or submit a proposal.

Expand Your Network

During times when lawyers were traveling or entertaining, they usually focused on a small group of people from their target organization. Since most of their contact is now virtual, they can reach out to more people. For instance, if you’re a lawyer who’s interested in representing a bank’s workout officers, you can arrange a virtual roundtable or webinar.

Respond Quickly

The absence of people working from home and in shelters has magnified the time that you have to respond to inquiries and proposals. If you’re asked to pitch or provide a proposal, a prompt response will allow you to get on the list.

Plan Conversations

You should try to connect with people and make connections. For instance, you can arrange a virtual meeting with a specific industry representative to share what’s happening in their space and connect with them.